My Animals

For more pictures of Pamina, Click this picture
Pamina and me at our riding club near Stuttgart Germany.
I found Julie in Spain 
back in 1983. 
She was just a puppy running 
wild, with no home. So I took 
her back to Germany with me.

Click this picture for more pictures of Kuma and Chica
These are our 2 babies. Kuma is an Akita we adopted from a rescue shelter when he was 12 months old. Chica is a German Shepherd we raised from 8 weeks old. Those two love each other. In this picture, Chica is 9 months old and Kuma is 14 months old. Click on their picture to see more.
For more pictures of Rogue, Click this picture
I got my dog Rogue in  Texas on January 10 '98.  She is 3 years old and has been an outside dog for the two years prior to my getting her. Look at  that smile, not a mean  bone in her body. She now has her own bed  near my bedroom.
August 18, 1998 - Rogue passed away today at approximately 6:40pm.  She had what turned out to be extensive surgery after a large tumor was found and removed by the vet. She woke normally from the anesthesia but could not get up on her own.  We brought her home and she was comfortable on her bed when she just quit breathing and passed away without pain.  She is missed very very much.  Thank everyone for their kind words, the card sent by Wanda and the card sent by Carol.  Rogue won't suffer any longer.

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