Kuma's first week at Basic Obedience

First floor exercise: Targeting and lure to a sit

Between exercises: 

First floor exercise in front of the class:  15 foot lead, remain within 5 foot radius.

End of the class: He did very well considering the first time with a lot of other dogs. Kuma sez: "If I did so well, where's my treat???"

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Kuma's Obedience School Progress

[ Obedience - Week 1 ] [ Obedience - Week 2 ] [ Obedience - Week 3 ] [ Obedience - Week 4 ]
[ Obedience - Week 5 ] [ Obedience - Week 6 ] [ Obedience - Week 7 ] [ Obedience - Week 8 ]
[ Obedience - Graduation ]

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