Kuma's 5th week at Basic Obedience
The biscuit on the nose contest.  Kuma lost, if you look you can see the biscuit falling. The winner held the biscuit for about 1 second. 
Heeling practice.  Another frustrating exercise.
Even the dog in front was too close for Kuma, but he finally settled down.
Figure 8's. Kuma lagged behind on the right turns.
A little targeting brought him up where he was supposed to be.
Sit-stay. Kuma does this well, but always lays down when I return.
Sit for exam.  The first exercise was snafu'd by the attack beagle walking behind us.  But after that Kuma sat for the instructor.
Start of the "down" training.  Kuma went down fine. He even stayed (his favorite position BTW) so he gets another treat.


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Kuma's Obedience School Progress

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[ Obedience - Week 5 ] [ Obedience - Week 6 ] [ Obedience - Week 7 ] [ Obedience - Week 8 ]
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