Kuma's 9th week at Basic Obedience
Graduation Day
Out of 12 dogs starting the class, only 6 showed up for graduation. The attack Beagle wasn't there but her owner had to go to a high school graduation.

We started off heeling to get the dogs concentrated. Kuma needed it, but then so did Sam
Everyone was split into teams of 3 each. You had to race down to the end, place your dog on a Stand-Stay, and put a t-shirt on him. He had to remain standing throughout this. First team with all 3 dogs clothed wins.  WE WON!!
Loose Leash Heel
For this exercise, we had to carry a cotton ball in a spoon and hold the leash in the same hand through a figure 8 course. If the dog tugged the leash, the cotton ball would fall. I was so concentrated on the spoon, that I forgot about Kuma, but he must have done ok, I didn't drop it. I made one mistake, when I got back to the start line, I brought Kuma face to face with a Golden. But he didn't challenge. First team done, wins. We lost :(
Fine print, no need to read
Two dogs competed against each other until a winner was decided. Names were drawn out of a hat for the order of competition. When a dog won, he had to stay and compete against the next one so some dogs had to compete several times. Kuma was the last name drawn so he only had to compete once.
One Minute Sit-Stay
Three Minute Down-Stay
Perfect Attendance Award
Only 2 dogs attended all classes, Kuma and Sam
The Graduating Class
Training Over
That's it!!! I feel sad that it's over, but basic II starts on 6 June. Gabriella and I are taking both Kuma and Chica through so it should be interesting with the 2 of them wanting to play all the time. But there will be no one to take video :(

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Kuma's Obedience School Progress

[ Obedience - Week 1 ] [ Obedience - Week 2 ] [ Obedience - Week 3 ] [ Obedience - Week 4 ]
[ Obedience - Week 5 ] [ Obedience - Week 6 ] [ Obedience - Week 7 ] [ Obedience - Week 8 ]
[ Obedience - Graduation ]

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