Kuma's second week at Basic Obedience

There are no pictures of this weeks training. Gabriella suddenly had to take a stray 5 month old Lab that was found near the training school to the emergency vet clinic.  The Lab had been dumped and had trauma to the left side of her head. The eye was infected shut and we still don't know if there is an eye left.  When the infection clears up we will find out. 

Because of this, no video was taken of the exercises.  Most of the class was demonstration and only 3 exercises were practiced.

1.  15 foot lead, dog stays within 5 foot radius, performed outside

2.  More targeting and tease to a sit.

3.  Start of "heel" training.

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Kuma's Obedience School Progress

[ Obedience - Week 1 ] [ Obedience - Week 2 ] [ Obedience - Week 3 ] [ Obedience - Week 4 ]
[ Obedience - Week 5 ] [ Obedience - Week 6 ] [ Obedience - Week 7 ] [ Obedience - Week 8 ]
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