Kuma's 6th week at Basic Obedience
First exercise, the "leave-it" contest. Last dog to take the treat wins. Kuma wanted the treat too badly it seems, he took it before I clicked.
Heeling practice, Kuma actually behaved. (most of the time)
The dreaded WEAVE exercise. Weaving your way around all the other dogs.
This is Sam the Golden. Sam and Kuma don't like each other at all. Kuma was concentrated on me and didn't see Sam until he was gone. Then Kuma protested when he realized it was Sam that passed. Notice all the instructors in the background watching Kuma and Sam? They know these two dogs could get nasty.
But Kuma did ok with other dogs walking by, even the attack beagle. In the first picture, he's laying down, not jumping at the golden.
Then it was my turn to weave through the crowd.
We got to Sam and if you look, you see Sam challenges first.
Kuma even walked by the attack beagle.
Outside for "Stand for Exam" exercise.  Kuma is confused, he just has gotten the hang of sitting whenever I stop.
"Come-for" exercise.  Heeling and suddenly backing up, calling your dog to you.
Then back inside for more "come-for" practice.
More "sit for exam" practice. Kuma didn't want to stay sitting this time. 
Starting the "down-stay" command. This is Kuma's favorite position. I don't think he will have much trouble with the down-stay.
On the sidelines. LOOK!!!!  there are dogs near Kuma. 
Some play time between exercises.

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Kuma's Obedience School Progress

[ Obedience - Week 1 ] [ Obedience - Week 2 ] [ Obedience - Week 3 ] [ Obedience - Week 4 ]
[ Obedience - Week 5 ] [ Obedience - Week 6 ] [ Obedience - Week 7 ] [ Obedience - Week 8 ]
[ Obedience - Graduation ]

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