Kuma's 3d week at Basic Obedience

1st exercise - heel with left and right about turns On the first right about turn, the lady in front of me turned suddenly, Kuma took offense at the dog suddenly in his face.

2nd exercise - Tail wagging contest Kuma lost to the Beagle   :(

3d exercise - Targeting in a group It's supposed to be targeting practice with other dogs close by. Notice the closest dog to Kuma. There are 12 dogs in this room, all as far from Kuma as they can get.

Sitting on the side.  Notice Kuma has quite a bit of room. The closest dog is the attack Beagle. The other end of the room is crowded with dogs.


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Kuma's Obedience School Progress

[ Obedience - Week 1 ] [ Obedience - Week 2 ] [ Obedience - Week 3 ] [ Obedience - Week 4 ]
[ Obedience - Week 5 ] [ Obedience - Week 6 ] [ Obedience - Week 7 ] [ Obedience - Week 8 ]
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